Wallern an der Trattnach Business directory Page 5

> Austria > Upper Austria > Politischer Bezirk Grieskirchen > Wallern an der Trattnach

Business entries of Wallern an der Trattnach are listed here containing informations of address, opening hours and reviews of customers. You can enlist your own business entry or organization here.

Wallern an der Trattnach entries

There were 135 entries found

Mauer 25
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 49226

Grub 32
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach


Schallerbacher Strasse 51
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 07249.488 21
 07249.488 21-29

Eferdinger Str 2
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (676) 5033820
 43 (7249) 43048

Rosewholesale.com INT

Grub 32
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 48965
 43 (7249) 43326

Mauer 3
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach


Schranne 2
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 48153
 43 (7249) 48153-4

Sonnenhangstr 28
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 07249 48373

Mauer 20
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 43003
 43 (7249) 43003-600

Am Am Südblick 8
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 07249 48746

Am Südblick 7
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 43750...-0
 43 (7249) 43750-99

Eferdinger Str 70
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 07249 43640
 07249 43640

Edlgassen 16
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach


Schallerbacher Straße 14
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach


Schulstr 8
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 48136
 43 (7249) 42044

Gruberfeld 30
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 42465

Mitterweg 46
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 42811...-0
 43 (7249) 42811-4

Marktpl 6
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7249) 42733...-0
 43 (7249) 42733-25

Uttenthal 4
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (7242) 28415
 43 (7242) 28415

Grub 5
4702, Wallern an der Trattnach

 43 (699) 11017056
 43 (7249) 42607

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Cities & surrounding

Wallern an der Trattnach branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Wallern an der Trattnach in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 2 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Wallern an der Trattnach February 2025Diagram Wallern an der TrattnachDiagram Wallern an der Trattnach February 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Wallern an der Trattnach with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Wallern an der Trattnach 2025Statistics Wallern an der TrattnachStatistics Wallern an der Trattnach 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Wallern an der Trattnach