St. Jakob in Defereggen Business directory Page 2

> Austria > Tyrol > Politischer Bezirk Lienz > St. Jakob in Defereggen

Business entries of St. Jakob in Defereggen are listed here containing informations of address, hours and reviews of users. You can enlist your own business entry or organization on this page.

St. Jakob in Defereggen entries

There were 90 entries found INT

Innerrotte 4
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5316

Außerrotte 37
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5333...-0
 43 (4873) 5333-88

Innerrotte 35
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5351...-0
 43 (4873) 5351-500

Oberrotte 56
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5348
 43 (4873) 5348

Aliexpress INT

Außerrotte 43
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5415...-0
 43 (4873) 5415-33

Unterrotte 57
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5170
 43 (4873) 5170

Unterrotte 99
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5428

Oberrotte 71
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5369

Innerrotte 50
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen


Unterrotte 6
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5202
 43 (4873) 5153-11

Innerrotte 45
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5280
 43 (4873) 5280-13

Hirbe 19
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5253

Oberrotte 89
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5541

Unterrotte 133
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5554
 43 (4873) 5554-4

Kurzer Grund 28
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (664) 9489413

Unterrotte 100
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5302
 43 (4873) 5302-6

Außerrotte 44
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5440

Oberrotte 110
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 20090
 43 (4873) 20090-20

Fageralm 132
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5274...-0
 43 (4873) 5274-22

Unterrotte 83
9963, St. Jakob in Defereggen

 43 (4873) 5221
 43 (4873) 52214

<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>

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Cities & surrounding

St. Jakob in Defereggen branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of St. Jakob in Defereggen in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 3 businesses were canceled.

Diagram St. Jakob in Defereggen February 2025Diagram St. Jakob in DefereggenDiagram St. Jakob in Defereggen February 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of St. Jakob in Defereggen with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics St. Jakob in Defereggen 2025Statistics St. Jakob in DefereggenStatistics St. Jakob in Defereggen 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:St. Jakob in Defereggen