Roller shutters Business directory Page 2

> Business Directory > Construction and Public Works > Equipment > Roller shutters

Roller shutters entries of companies, authorities and associations are gathered here with informations of contact, opening hours and experience reports of customers. You can register your own business entry or organization on this page.

Roller shutters entries

There were 84 entries found INT

Paschinger Str 111
4060, Leonding

 43 (732) 680860
 43 (732) 680860-4

Gießenweg 1 EKZ Cyta Freigelände
6176, Vِls

 43 (512) 347154
 43 (512) 347154-6

Gewerbestr 25
4774, St. Marienkirchen bei Schنrding

 43 (7711) 31590-0
 43 (7711) 31590-50

Rexham 5
4612, Scharten

 43 (7272) 59059
 43 (7272) 59059-10

Anton-Tuder-Str 2a
9500, Villach

 43 (4242) 35447
 43 (4242) 35448

Aloisiusg 49
7342, Kaisersdorf

 43 (2617) 2277
 43 (2617) 2277-4

Nr 52
4776, Diersbach

 43 (7719) 7584...-0

Burgenlandstr 3
9500, Villach

 43 (4242) 35509
 43 (4242) 311110

Kirchstr 24
6890, Lustenau

 43 (5577) 89677
 43 (5577) 89677

Färberg 15
6850, Dornbirn

 43 (5572) 23581...-0
 43 (5572) 23548

Mِtlas 5
4273, Unterweiكenbach

 43 (664) 4120394
 43 (7956) 77074

Sandlhofstr 111
3033, Altlengbach

 43 (2774) 6646
 43 (2774) 6646-5

Nr 306
8564, Krottendorf-Gaisfeld

 43 (3143) 3202...-0
 43 (3143) 3202-4

Sonnenweg 22
5102, Anthering

 43 (6223) 3106
 43 (6223) 2724

Hauptstr 32
7052, Müllendorf

 43 (2682) 66748
 43 (2682) 72485

Birkenweg 7
8243, Pinggau

 43 (3339) 24224

Wieshoferstr 6
6380, St. Johann in Tirol

 43 (5352) 64433
 43 (5352) 64433-4

Brisera 34
6830, Rankweil

 43 (5522) 44339
 43 (5522) 43885

Hauptstr 8
2332, Hennersdorf bei Wien

 43 (2235) 81860
 43 (2235) 81860

Roseggerstr 7
4053, Haid

 43 (7229) 83176
 43 (7229) 83176

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Cities & surrounding

Roller shutters branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Roller shutters in this month. This month 32 companies were registered, 7 were updated and 4 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Roller shutters December 2024Diagram Roller shuttersDiagram Roller shutters December 2024New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Roller shutters with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Roller shutters 2024Statistics Roller shuttersStatistics Roller shutters 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics