Rohrmoos-Untertal Business directory Page 3

> Austria > Styria > Politischer Bezirk Liezen > Rohrmoos-Untertal

Rohrmoos-Untertal entries of companies, authorities and associations are listed here with informations of contact, operation hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own company entry or association here.

Rohrmoos-Untertal entries

There were 188 entries found INT

Rohrmoos 208
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal


Untertal 66
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 61678

Brandweg 20
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 22309...-0
 43 (3687) 22309-9

Rohrmoosstr 71
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 +43(3687)60903-4^^43 (3687) 60903-6 INT

Hohenbergstr 116
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal


Rohrmoos 188
8970, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 03687.230 82
 03687.239 73

Rohrmoosstr 234
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 22777...-0
 43 (3687) 24138

Hochwurzenstr 61
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal


Untertalstr 24
8971, Untertal

 03687 61130

Rohrmoosstr 108
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal


Schaiderweg 29
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 61289...-0
 43 (3687) 61289-3

Schulstr 1
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 61193

Rohrmoosstr 25
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 61384...-0
 43 (3687) 61384-5

Moserg 162
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (664) 4330339
 43 (3686) 20115

Rohrmoos 164
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 61164...-0
 43 (3687) 61164-14

Untertal 24
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 61130
 43 (3687) 61130-13

Nr 162
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal


Rohrmoosstr 125
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal


Lindenweg 70
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 43 (3687) 61262
 43 (3687) 61262

Rohrmoosstr 25
8971, Rohrmoos-Untertal

 03687 61384

<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >> INT

Cities & surrounding

Rohrmoos-Untertal branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Rohrmoos-Untertal in this month. This month 24 companies were registered, 29 were updated and 66 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Rohrmoos-Untertal December 2024Diagram Rohrmoos-UntertalDiagram Rohrmoos-Untertal December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Rohrmoos-Untertal with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Rohrmoos-Untertal 2024Statistics Rohrmoos-UntertalStatistics Rohrmoos-Untertal 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Rohrmoos-Untertal