Lower Austria Business directory Page 13

> Austria > Lower Austria

Lower Austria entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing address, opening hours and ratings. You can register your own company entry or association here.

Lower Austria entries

There were 76003 entries found

Gamiss.com INT

Rathausstr 9
2273, Hohenau an der March

 43 (2535) 2394
 43 (2535) 2394

Gunskirchener Str 7
4600, Berg

 07242 206494

Wr Neustädter Str 9
2542, Kottingbrunn


Ottokar Kernstockgasse 577
3571, Gars am Kamp


Rosewholesale.com INT

Schlossgasse 30/7 St. Andrae-Woerdern

 43 1 5246069

Herzog-Leopold-Str 22
2700, Wiener Neustadt


Floridsdorfer Hauptstraße 46
2700, Wiener Neustadt


Roßpl 1
3470, Kirchberg am Wagram


Hauptpl 1
3121, Karlstetten


Prager Str 83
3580, Horn


Bِhmg 15
3830, Waidhofen an der Thaya

 43 (2842) 52629

Leopoldauer Str 7
2201, Gerasdorf bei Wien


Europastraße 15
3442, Langenrohr


Hauptpl 2
2514, Traiskirchen

 43 (2252) 508691^^+43(2252)53122

Wolfgang-Amadeus-Mozart-G 29
2700, Wiener Neustadt

 43 (2622) 25452
 43 (2622) 89496

Friedhofstraße 6
3340, Waidhofen an der Ybbs


Hindenburgstr 34
2170, Poysdorf

 43 (2552) 2446

Kircheng 11
2440, Reisenberg

 43 (2234) 80566

Hauptpl 36
3300, Amstetten


Schießstattg 3
2000, Stockerau


<< 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 >>

Rosewholesale.com INT

Cities & surrounding

Lower Austria branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Lower Austria in this month. This month 22 companies were registered, 5 were updated and 17 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Lower Austria December 2024Diagram Lower AustriaDiagram Lower Austria December 2024New registrationDeleteUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Lower Austria with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Lower Austria 2024Statistics Lower AustriaStatistics Lower Austria 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Lower Austria