Information Technology Business directory Page 67
> Business Directory > Information Technology
Information Technology entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing informations of address, hours and experience reports. You can register your own business entry or association here.
Information Technology entries
There were 13786 entries found
Raiffeisenstraße 154
8041, Graz-Liebenau
0316 464742 | |
464742-33 |
Raiffeisenplatz 1 A-
4161, Ulrichsberg, Oberِsterreich
+43 7288 2219 | |
+43 7288 221922 |
Untere Hauptstr. 52
7100, Neusiedl Am See
43-(1)-25-03-80 | |
43-(1)-25-03-81-28 |
Wienerbergstraße 11/12
1100, Wien
01 99460-6404 | |
99460-5000 |
Hauptstr 23 A-
4552, Wartberg an der Krems, Oberِsterreich
+43 7587 7060 | |
+43 7587 706016 |
Mariahilfer Str 217Wien
1:8129300^^43.1-8129300 | |
1:8129300^^43.1-8129300 |
Brunnengasse 66Wien
1:4025700^^43.1-4025700 | |
1:4025700^^43.1-4025700 |
Kasernstr. 16-18 2 8
3500, Krems An Der Donau
43-(2732)-859-71 | |
43-(2732)-859-73 |
Elisabethstraße 59/4
8010, Graz
0316-384076 | |
0316-384076-306 |
Franzosenhausweg 54
4030, Linz
43-(732)-38-57-61 | |
43-(732)-38-57-61-40 |
Marktstrasse 18 A-
4813, Altmünster, Oberِsterreich
+43 7612 87051 | |
+43 7612 8705127 |
Cities & surrounding
Information Technology branches and surrounding
- Austria
- Electronic data processing - computer peripherals
- Electronic data processing - microcomputers
- Electronic data processing - minicomputers and mainframes
- Electronic data processing - software
- Import-export - Computers
- Information technology - data processing media
- Information technology - supplies
- Application
- Computers
- Peripherals - Computer
- IT Services
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Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Information Technology in this month. This month 25 companies were registered, 5 were updated and 50 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Information Technology with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.