Information Technology Business directory Page 57
> Business Directory > Information Technology
Information Technology entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here containing informations of address, hours and experience reports. You can register your own business entry or association here.
Information Technology entries
There were 13786 entries found
Marktplatz 40
4724, Neukirchen Am Walde
43-(7278)-38-37 | |
43-(7278)-38-37-50 |
St.-Peter-/1 St.-Peter-Hauptstraße 208/1
8042, Graz-St.Peter
0316 29 27 47 | |
29 27 98 |
Hardtmuthg. 53
1100, Wien
43.(1) 602 45 49 | |
43.(1) 603 29 43 |
Münchner Bundesstr. 123
5020, Salzburg
43.(662) 43 06 21 | |
43.(662) 43 61 05 |
Untere Hauptstrasse 23 A-
7093, Jois, Burgenland
+43 2160 7367 | |
+43 2160 73675 |
Fellacher Waldweg 6
9500, Villach
+43(4242)53205-0 | |
+43(4242)24380 |
Nr. 555
4582, Spital A. Pyhrn
43.(7563) 80 02 | |
43.(7563) 800 29 00 |
Grose Schiffg. 2
1020, Wien
43-(1)-21-44-62-00 | |
43-(1)-21-44-62-09 |
Hans-Sachs-G 11
5020, Salzburg
+43(662)444909 | |
+43(662)444910 |
Pennewang 18 A-
4624, Pennewang, Oberِsterreich
+43 7245 26131 | |
+43 7245 261316 |
Cities & surrounding
Information Technology branches and surrounding
- Austria
- Electronic data processing - computer peripherals
- Electronic data processing - microcomputers
- Electronic data processing - minicomputers and mainframes
- Electronic data processing - software
- Import-export - Computers
- Information technology - data processing media
- Information technology - supplies
- Application
- Computers
- Peripherals - Computer
- IT Services
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Economic activity December 2024
The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Information Technology in this month. This month 24 companies were registered, 5 were updated and 48 businesses were canceled.
Economic development statistics 2024
The statistics show the economic development of Information Technology with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.