Design and Research Offices Business directory Page 34

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Business entries of Design and Research Offices are listed here containing informations of contact, hours and reviews. You can enlist your own company entry or organization here.

Design and Research Offices entries

There were 4048 entries found

Wiener Str. 42
2340, Mِdling

 43.(2236) 235 52

Brucknerstr. 8
1040, Wien

 43. (1) 50 53 60 10
 43. (1) 505 62 57

Novomaticstr. 1
2352, Gumpoldskirchen


Zetscheg. 21
1230, Wien

 43.(1) 667 29 30
 43.(1) 667 29 30 11 INT

Erdbergstraße 29
1030, Wien


Muellerwirtweg 3
8430, Tillmitsch

 43.(3452) 829 72
 43.(3452) 82 97 24

Industriezone 19
6460, Imst


Johann Strauss Str. 15
4651, Stadl-Paura

 43.(7245) 284 21
 43.(7245) 322 25

Industriestrasse B-16
2345, Brunn

 02236.37 80 07
 02236.37 80 08

Jochen-Rindt-Str. 31
1230, Wien

 43. (1) 616 87 90
 43. (1) 616 87 90 20

Bahnhofstr. 195
3970, Weitra

 43.(2856) 24 01
 43.(2856) 24 01 14

Hauptpl. 9-12
2500, Baden Bei Wien

 43. (2252) 883 00
 43. (2252) 88 30 02 88

Kirchfeldg 7
1230, Wien


Nordbahnstr. 5
1020, Wien

 43.(1) 21 42 16 20
 43.(1) 214 24 51 14

Franz-Baumann-Weg 10
6020, Innsbruck


Josef Dunkl-Str 4
2130, Mistelbach


Uhlandg 5
4020, Linz


Obere Hauptstr. 69
7100, Neusiedl

 43.(2167) 24 52
 43.(2167) 29 66

Clemens-Holzmeister-Straße 6
1100, Wien


Wehlistr. 27
1200, Wien

 43. (1) 33 31 51 50
 43. (1) 333 15 15 39

<< 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 >>

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Design and Research Offices in this month. This month 13 companies were registered, 35 were updated and 48 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Design and Research Offices December 2024Diagram Design and Research OfficesDiagram Design and Research Offices December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Design and Research Offices with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Design and Research Offices 2024Statistics Design and Research OfficesStatistics Design and Research Offices 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics