Business data banks Business directory Page 39

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Business entries of Business data banks are gathered here with informations of contact-data, hours and experience reports of customers. You can register your own company entry or association on this page.

Business data banks entries

There were 1879 entries found INT

Industriestraße 15
2431, Enzersdorf An Der Fischa


Seidenhofstr. 33
8020, Graz

 43. (316) 584 92 50
 43. (316) 58 49 25 33

Kirchenweg 6
5071, Wals Bei Salzburg

 43. (662) 85 30 80
 43. (662) 85 30 80 30

St. Peter-Str. 25
4021, Linz


Gewerbepark 8
6068, Mils


Wärndorfer Str. 3
2525, Günselsdorf

 43.(2256) 623 25
 43.(2256) 62 32 57

Altenmarkt 180
8280, Furstenfeld


Langefelderstr. 14
8793, Trofaiach

 43. (3847) 24 91

Kollmayergasse 14/3
1120, Wien

 01.813 53 80-0
 01.813 53 80-15

Richard-Wagner-Platz 7
1160, Wien

 01.492 40 50-0
 01.492 40 50-15

Oberaustr. 24
6800, Feldkirch-Gisingen

 43. (5522) 73 33 80
 43. (5522) 73 33 86

Ortsstr. 24
2331, Vِsendorf

 43. (1) 69 99 40 80
 43. (1) 69 99 40 81 44

Weer Dorfstr. 32
6114, Kolsass Weer

 43.(5224) 682 06
 43.(5224) 682 06 20

Sparkassegasse 11-13
2020, Hollabrunn

 43.(2952) 244 00

St. Georgner Strasse 24
3270, Scheibbs

 07482.421 63
 07482.429 24

Giessenweg 1
6176, Vِls

 43.(512) 225 50
 43.(512) 225 50 77

Bergmanng. 28
9300, St. Veit An Der Glan


Diesseits 145
4973, St. Martin

 43.(7751) 612 20
 43.(7751) 69 69

Hafenstr. 28
4010, Linz

 43. (732) 77 40 81
 43. (732) 77 40 88 17

Westbahnstr. 4
4490, St. Florian


<< 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 >>

Cities & surrounding

Business data banks branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Business data banks in this month. This month 23 companies were registered, 23 were updated and 40 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Business data banks December 2024Diagram Business data banksDiagram Business data banks December 2024DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Business data banks with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Business data banks 2024Statistics Business data banksStatistics Business data banks 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics